Sunday, March 25, 2012

brain storms

I'm taking a class about getting around writer's block. Last week's lesson was about brainstorming.

* * *
brain storm
write about storms
wind, wet slashing down, thunder
I should not be out playing
on a hillside
during a lightening storm

what do I remember about storms
on summer afternoons in the mountains?
the thunderheads, white clouds turning dark,
the intensity of that summer sun,
intense color, deep blue sky

I haven’t seen that color in decades
not since riding my horse
galloping across columbine-laced meadow
riding ornery Goldie was something
of a storm in itself

snowstorms are my favorite
dramatic in such a silent way

silent drama
like an ASL signed
play in three acts
Deaf Theatre

silent drama
the drama of gay kids,
their pain silenced
until they die long before they should
so much talent and love and hope
wasted and gone
kids should not be dying

write about storms, huh?
Did I ever see a thunderstorm
boil across Lake Superior
and slash the dorm windows with rain?

Did I ever dance
in the dewdrop sweetness
of early morning at Cedar Lake?

I remember hanging with the dogs 
one early morning,
when those kids were
shooting that soft porn film
“Move your shorts so we can see your buns. Melody.
You have reeeally nice buns; I think it will be allllright.”

That kid,
the one with the camera,
the only male
(an important observation
when watching half-naked women
and men with cameras
and directorial aspirations)
that kid said that a lot, “allllright”.
So mellow and pretend-gentle
for someone shooting porn.
I might call it erotica
if he hadn’t told one of the women
to pretend to drown…
“put your face in the water and your butt in the air”

two women played like lovers
as they slipped on summer shifts,
translucent, white, long skirts barely covering
tanned wet bodies

I have skinny-dipped in that lake
at night
when the only white was
naked breasts
butt cheeks in the star light

some storms are softest of rain
some are pain and blood and thunder
I have seen both
brain storms

1 comment:

  1. just re-read this piece of honest, so visceral,
